Edu Flux 360

How's Eduflux360 helping teachers - Global recognition through online education portal. - Edu Flux 360

How’s Eduflux360 helping teachers – Global recognition through online education portal.

Eduflux360 enhances teacher lessons, provides details and enhancements through videos, and supports a game-based learning experience. We offer endless practice tasks to track the progress of individual learning. A common criticism of the EdTech platform is that marginalized groups are often unavailable, but not always. Eduflux360 educates students with disabilities, for example, to prevent them from attending regular classrooms. It also helps provide knowledge and information to remote and hard-to-reach students who may not have access to classrooms and materials.

All professions and all professionals risk complacency and excessive “break-in”. Teachers taking a particular approach may be reluctant to change and adapt to new situations. There are two major philosophies in teacher education. On a teacher base, teachers are trained to be knowledgeable or highly skilled teachers, the effect of which depends on “interesting, motivational and teaching ability”. Based on his abilities, he prepares him as a leader in the learning process to draw students into discovery. As the role of technology grows, teacher education becomes more complex and difficult. Besides learning educational philosophy, educational theory, and practice, the primary need for teachers to learn is to use technology in their educational strategies, receive feedback, and change the way learning outcomes are designed and measured. Therefore, technology-related education is essential for a new generation of teachers. The additional emphasis on competencies weakened the focus on academic excellence and the ability to shape the mind and character of teachers.

Teaching global competencies may sound like something reserved for an elite or vocational school, or something we can only delve into after mastering basic skills such as reading, writing, and math. Hmm. This is far from the fact. Teaching global competencies is something that every teacher can do. And given what it takes for students to grow in an increasingly connected world, it should.

Many factors contribute to a student’s academic performance, including personal characteristics and family and neighbourhood experiences. However, research suggests that teachers are the most important of the school-related factors. Teachers are estimated to be two to three times more influential for student performance on reading and math tests than all other school elements, including services, facilities, and even leadership. Eduflux360 provides a global platform to all the teachers that ultimately gives them recognition and experience of a worldwide platform. We prioritise teachers, providing them a platform where they could share their knowledge and content with the students who get connected to Eduflux360 on a bigger platform. 

Through this unmatchable exposure, the teachers get a lot of recognition; the students benefiting from these teachers, let others know about them and in this modern era of social networking, A global image of the teacher is instantly created and many students get connected to them. 

We feel that teachers teaching on Ed-Tech platforms are not well recognised or established, students do not know the value of that teacher. However, we at Eduflux360, wish to bring in a change to this hierarchy pattern. We want our teachers to get global recognition, exposure and stability. This would not only bring many students to them but also boost up their confidence, self-motivation and dedication towards their subject and teaching skills.

As teachers become globally recognized through the Eduflux360 platform, teachers will attract more and more students. Ultimately, this leads young people to work hard, inspired by their research, to meet the expectations of their role models, their teachers. They work hard for perfection, achieve excellent results, and ultimately become exciting youth that is the most important and dynamic part of the population of all countries, which helps achieve tremendous growth, in modern society. 

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